Thursday, February 10, 2011

Embarking on Change

I have had a lot going on in my life over the last year.

School: I’m a sophomore in college finishing my basics and a semester away from applying for my program. I take all these classes and I know they are meant to test you, but I am unable to pass them. I come to every class, do the work, study and am still failing constantly. My program puts so much pressure on the students, that it just makes classes that much more stressful. There is always that thought in the back of your mind “what if I can’t pass.”

On the bright side I applied for another job on campus to be an RA…..and I got it. That means no more cleaning dishes after this summer.
Speaking of summer, I’m spending my summer taking classes…here I come anatomy 2 hours 4 days a week, with 2 lab days on top of that. Plus another online class, tally all that up and it adds to 8 credits.

Friends: I ended my high school career with five really good friends. After my first year of college we all were pretty close, but sadly this year some of our group has drifted apart. Over the summer some unfortunate events happened causing a rift in the friendship, it was all quite stupid and petty, but some are still holding on to a grudge. I think everyone should have a best friend….I know I have at least one. She is my “person” we get each other’s jokes when others don’t and laugh about nothing. She is the one person I never get tired of. She is so crazy and fun I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it. She has had some barriers in her way over the past year. I was lost as to how to help her until I realized I can’t. I can support her in whatever she chooses, but ultimately she has to make the decisions. Sometimes I think though what if she never gets out of the rut she is stuck in, she will always be my best friend no matter what, but she worries me sometimes. She tends to get down on herself, but she needs to know what an amazing woman she is and how she has so much going for her, and that one day she is going to be the greatest mom and wife. She will do great things!

I also have another close friend who has definitely grown on me through the past two years; she has had a lot of drama lately for her. From a hard break-up to losing her step dad suddenly. She is my total opposite she is more reserved, highly intelligent, and a clean freak (I mean this w/love). At school I’m with here whenever I’m not at work, sleeping, or in class most of the time we sit and do nothing. We work well with each other because when she has been studying all day and has done nothing else, I make her take a break to do something fun. I mean we once stood in front of a mirror for an hour making faces at one another. Yes we both have time where we get on each other’s nerves, but like the saying opposites attract.

One last friend to mention and then I’ll move on. Now this girl is the most gorgeous girl you will ever see. She has the perfect smile, and is so driven. She works hard for everything she wants she currently holds five jobs now (crazy right)! She has struggled with her family at times, but somehow manages to never let it get to her. She has an amazing boyfriend that cares so much for her, their so cute it’s enough to make you sick. I’m hoping they get married soon!

Family: I have the best family in the world ( I know everyone say that, but its true)! My parent have always been there for me and my sisters, they have been at every soccer game, choir concert, teacher conferences, and even births. They have recently trying to lose weight and have succeeded tremendously. My dad of course lost weight like it was no body’s business, and my mom has done so well for women it takes longer, but she looks great! My dad is such a good dad, he is no typical guy…he loves the movie Mama Mia, and hairspray, he is a great cook, you can really tell he loves my mom dearly. Now for my mom she is seriously amazing! I love her we get along so well she is definitely another one of my best friends. She cracks me up with her sense of humor, I love spending time with her.

Jody, Jason, and Naomi are put in one group because their a family. I’ll start with Jody she is a great mom and a wonderful sister, I know she will always be there for me when I need her. We talk on a regular basis. She is yet another one of my best friend; it’s hard to describe her in words, but if I could it would be all good ones. She is very beautiful inside and out! Jason is the best brother in-law I could have asked for, he is competitive and such a great guy. He is the perfect dad and husband. Me and him get along really well! As for Naomi, she is the light of my life! She is my almost two year old niece, who is a little pistol. She is such a cutie and has a personality that will make anyone smile. She makes me laugh and smile so much. She has given her parents and family quite a few scares, but I’m so happy she has been so strong and stuck with us. I will love her forever. I hope they have more kids id say they have been doing a pretty darn good job with Naomi.

Jamie is my other sister we are close some days and then others we're not. She is so smart and also beautiful. She has hugs that could break your ribs. She is very caring and a great person and yes I love her. I do like her boyfriend Joe and hope the best for their relationship.

Health: I myself made a new year’s resolution, I know that most don’t work out, but I’m determined. I go to the gym everyday at 6am; I have been going strong with this for about a month and a week. So far I’ve lost 14 pounds I’m getting closer and closer to my goal every week. I hope to continue this journey and reach my ultimate goal. I had shingles earlier in the year that was a very unfortunate time, but I made it through. That about all for me health wise. 

I have wrote a lot so ill save that for my next post……until then

1 comment:

  1. That was the best ever We love you so you will get all you want in life I know it . You make it happen for yourself. Jason and I found each other some times you do have to look , But I know you deserve everything in the world and will achieve it.
