Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dorthy was Lucky She Just Had to Follow the Yellow Brick Road

How do we know which paths in life are the ones for us to take? If were wrong, can we just push a button that says restart level? What if putting yourself out their does nothing, you’re your stuck? These questions might be the ones streaming through my mind and be the reason for my sleepless nights.

I am in the process of changing my major from Nursing to Medical Diagnostic Sonography (MDS) is the professional name, but really it’s just a fancy way to say I’m going to do ultrasounds. I think I am really going to enjoy it based upon the fact that I love children and I get to watch a fetus/ baby grow and see the new changes every month. Or I get to tell the person in pain that they have a rather large kidney stone that they have to wait for the lovely thing to pass lol. Either way I think I will be happy doing that. The whole process of making the switch is a pain, no one is in their office since its summer, so we just e-mail constantly. I’m happy for the help none the less.

Money for me is a huge issue at the moment. I need it! I work, yes its only two shifts a week but something is better than nothing. I’ll take what I can get. I wish I could plant a money tree that blooms beautiful Benjamin’s, U.S. Grant’s, Hamilton’s, and even some Washington’s because ones are sometimes useful. I would frolic with a basket to that tree and just pick enough to get by. I’m not a greedy person I don’t need a lot just enough to pay for tuition and daily living expenses….maybe a coke slush every now and then…I’m nervous to graduate because I will be up to my eye balls in debt, that worries me a lot. When I’m done with school it is suppose to be opening a new chapter full of opportunity and excitement, but I can’t help but dread the day when I get the loan bill every month. Will it be so costly that I’ll have to live with my parents??? I love them to death, but I need to be able to support myself. I just need to work…..a lot. I’ll move on so I don’t bore and move on the juicy gossip haha….

I met this guy who is really phenomenal. I think the words that describe him best are Crazy smart, workaholic, funny, caring, is surprisingly good a phase ten, likes movies, video games, is lazy, dislikes driving, and has the cheesiest smile. He is truly one of a kind. How did our friendship start haha well…..I got the RA job as I stated in a past blog and he was the first member of the staff to offer a friendly hello. At first I was kinda weirded out, he fb creeped me lol. We had a few late night chats while he was working desk and I needed help on the papers that needed outside inspiration. From there we just go to know one another asking legit questions or just random ones. We talk about any and everything we are great friends. After awhile I stared to like him….more than just friends. Once I told him this, it felt like it took forever for him to respond, I received the lets keep it friends for now and see where it leads later on. Alright that’s fair enough. He is having a wonderful experience with his summer job and from what he has said he is pretty pro. He can’t talk a bunch due the fact that his job is demanding and once he has free time he is drained which is completely understandable. So were going to do a weekly e-mail, crazy, fun, random, and of course humorous. Hopefully that goes well. I’ve fallen hard for him when really, it may lead to nothing but a good friendship which I have no problem with that. It’s just the wondering and waiting part is the killer! O well I don’t want to get my hopes up, it’s better to be pleasantly surprised rather than devastatingly disappointed.

Cross your fingers and toes, that the life I’ve chosen turns out to be what I want haha.